Special Fried Rice

Fried rice is a staple dish in most Chinese kitchens. My grandmother used to cook for me as breakfast in the morning, but is also cooked as lunch or dinner. You probably had fried rice from a takeaway and think it is not bad but nothing special. The great thing about fried rice is that the basic recipe just use spring onion, eggs and rice to cook, but you can add whatever you want into it. Normally we use what we can find in the fridge or left over ingredients, especially cooked meat or fish. Every time you can cook different version fried rice. It is a very fast way to make something wholesome and delicious when you don’t fancy cooking a big meal. Don't hesitate, lets start to cook our own special fried rice.

2 eggs beaten in a bowl
2 spring onions chopped
2 tablespoon peanut oil
1 500g cooked rice
4 mushrooms
1 carrot chopped to small cubes
100g cooked ham or sausage chopped to small cubes
1 teaspoon salt

It is better to use a wok to cook fried rice as it can stir-fry it more evenly and quickly than a flat pan. Heat the wok,  add 1 teaspoon peanut oil and when hot add the carrots and fry until carrots soften, then remove from wok and put in a bowl for later use. Fry the eggs and mushrooms same as carrots and set aside for later, (for the eggs you need to break it up into small pieces with the spoon or spatula to make sure it distributes evenly through the rice later.)  Add 1 more teaspoon peanut oil into wok, add the spring onion and stir fry for10 seconds, then add the ham/sausage and keep stir frying for 20 seconds. Add carrots, mushrooms and eggs back into the wok and add the cooked rice, stirring all ingredients together. Use a medium heat stir fry 1 or 2 minutes until all ingredients mixed well with rice and cooked through. Add 1 teaspoon salt if needed (you can add more or less for your taste). Serve in a bowl. 

My husband likes add some light soy sauce and Chinese black rice vinegar as he think it taste better. You always can add different vegetables and sauce which you like in it. Cook your own special fried rice and tell me what is your recipe!!!


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